
The Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists


  • 入力
  • 確認
  • 完了



Fill out this form and click the "Next" button to proceed with the membership application.

[Important]Please make sure that you are not blocking email messages from @clara-nacos.com before submitting application.
In case you don't receive an email after application, please check your spam folder as well.

入会情報 Membership Information

会員種別 Type of Membership
学生証 Student ID

Required when applying for student membership. (as a jpg or pdf file only)

入会年度 Year of Membership

The society's fiscal year runs from January to December.
If you are joining to present at an annual meeting, please select the year of the meeting.

学会web管理システム利用メールアドレス E-mail address

自動メール配信区分 Delivery address for e-mail from web system

Please select the address to which automated email should be sent when using web system services (所属機関(Institution) or 現住所(Home)). The email address you select here will be your login ID.

所属機関メールアドレス Institutional e-mail address
現住所Email Home email address
学会案内メール配信希望 Subscribe to society announcement emails

Please select one of the options below to indicate whether or not you wish to receive e-mails from the Secretariat (希望する [I wish to receive e-mail from the Secretariat] or 希望しない [I do not wish to receive e-mail from the Secretariat]). Important e-mails from the Secretariat and information on system maintenance will be sent regardless of which option you select.

会員情報 Personal information

漢字氏名 Name: Kanji or alphabet

姓/Family Name
e.g. Kennedy John F.

名/First Name
e.g. *

Please enter your name in the Roman alphabet if you are not using Japanese characters.
If you are from a country other than Japan, enter your full name in the first column and an asterisk(*) in the second column.

カナ氏名 Name: Katakana or alphabet

姓/Family Name
e.g. Kennedy

名/First Name
e.g. John F.

Please enter your name in the Roman alphabet if you are not using Japanese characters.

ローマ字氏名 Name:Alphabet

e.g. Kennedy

e.g. John F.


性別 Gender

男/Male, 女/Female, 登録しない/Prefer not to disclose

会誌等の送付先 Delivery address

郵便物送付先区分 Postal address

Please select the mailing address. 所属機関(Institution) or 現住所(Home).

請求書送付先区分 Invoice address

Please select the invoice address. 所属機関(Institution) or 現住所(Home).

所属機関情報 Work information

所属機関 Name of institution

※Include the details such as lab name and the department.
Enter an asterisk (*) if not applicable.

所属機関郵便番号 Postal code

For countries outside Japan, please input as "0000000".

所属機関県名 Prefecture name
所属機関住所 Address

e.g. 146 Shimotachiuri Ogawa Higashi, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto 602-8048, Japan

所属機関電話番号 Tel

e.g. +81-75-415-3661

For countries outside Japan, please include the country code.


所属機関Fax番号 Fax

e.g. +81-75-415-3662

For countries outside Japan, please include the country code.

所属機関県コード Prefecture
所属機関国名コード Country

現住所情報 Home

現住所郵便番号 Postal code

※Enter if you wish postal items to be sent to an address other than your institution. It does not have to be your home address.
※For countries outside Japan, please input as '0000000'.

現住所県名 Prefecture name
現住所 Address

e.g. 2-27-16 Bukyo-ku Hongo, Tokyo JAPAN

※Enter if you wish postal items to be sent to an address other than your institution. It does not have to be your home address.
※Include the room number, the name of building, and the country name to avoid delivery problems.

現住所電話番号 Tel

e.g. +81-3-3816-0738

For countries outside Japan, please include the country code.

現住所Fax番号 Fax

e.g. +81-3-3816-0766

[For countries outside Japan, please include the country code.

現住所県コード Prefecture
現住所国名コード Country

その他情報 Other Information

会員歴 Membership history
研究課題キーワード Fields of your Research Interests

研究室などのURL URL of your laboratory
指導教員氏名 Advisor's name

Required when applying for student membership.
姓/Family name, 名/First name

指導教員所属 Advisor's affiliation

Required when applying for student membership.

所属機関名(英語表記) Name of institution: English
所属機関住所(英語表記) Institution address: English
現住所(英語表記) Home address: English

パスワード Password

パスワード Password

Password must consist of one-byte alphanumeric characters (A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9) and one-byte symbols and must be at least 10 characters long.

パスワード(確認) Password (Confirmation)